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Riding the CA-9

Riding in an 'air-conditioned' Guatemalan bus. This is a step up from the Litegua or Fuente del Norte. It's small but zippy. And most...

Beauty In The Unknown

Picture this. You're standing on a rocky ledge, forty feet above a picturesque swimming hole, surrounded by crumbling camel cliffs. As...

Things I Like...

Part 1 / Various I like the subdued sound of you sipping your coffee in the morning. Silence. Then a sip. Then silence. I like playing...

Eulogy To The Baby Gecko

Little baby gecko, you entered my life on a sultry Guatemalan night. There you were, a tiny, sticky gelatinous mass at the bottom of the...

Distract Me

Distract me Make me feel Something good Something different Give me all of you For one evening, just this one Distract me Take me out for...

Frosted Sierras

Patience, Carved by history, by time, Jagged puzzle pieces, fit to Form an acrylic landscape, Colours you never thought Could exist, In...


Inside, dimly lit hallways reveal, A well-traveled pride of snowflakes, Melting with considerable regularity, Dissolving dreams, reeling...

blog: Blog2
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